Aerolase Era Elite

The Era Elite by Aerolase helps to address aging in a completely new way, taking your anti-aging and rejuvenation results further. This custom-made approach is specifically designed to erase signs of aging and renew skin to a natural, youthful look.

The Era represents a new revolution in skin rejuvenation as a high-precision 2490nm laser that delivers high-fluency in a collimated beam, utilizing a gentle 300-microsecond pulse duration.

The Era allows for independent depth of ablation of shallow or deep indications (plus a non-ablative mode) within a treatment site. These controlled pulses allow for full ablation of the epidermis without damaging the dermis, which eliminate pinpoint bleeding, oozing, and excessive amounts of downtime while still achieving stunning results.

Think of it as your magic wand to erase aging or damaged skin - removing any concern no matter how big or small!

What does it treat?

  • Wrinkles

  • Fine Lines

  • Smoke Wrinkles

  • Crow’s Feet

  • Deep Furrows

  • Tone + Texture

  • Sun Damage

  • Age Spots

  • Large Pores

  • Freckles

  • Scars Minimization

  • Revision

  • Acne Scars

  • Traumatic Scars

  • Lesions

  • Nevi

  • Keratosis

  • Skin Tags + Milia

Premium solution for eliminating signs of aging


  • The Aerolase Era Elite laser is generally considered painless or minimally painful by most patients. Its 300-microsecond pulse duration is designed to deliver a gentle yet effective ablation, which significantly reduces the risk of discomfort compared to other lasers. Most users report only mild sensations, and in many cases, no anesthetic is needed for superficial treatments. However, for deeper resurfacing, such as addressing wrinkles or sun damage, topical anesthetics may be recommended/used to ensure comfort​

  • Number of treatments depends on a variety of factors such as the condition we are treating and its severity. Most treatments are best done in a series of 3-5. Schedule a consultation to see what is best for you!

  • With the Era, there is minimal downtime, about 5-7 days. Most patients experience only mild redness, and recover generally quicker compared to other resurfacing treatments.

  • Aerolase Era treatments vary in pricing depending on the number of treatments and condition we are treating. Pricing ranges from $600-$3200.